
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Twinsie Tuesday - Pond Mani

Hi everyone!  Today I'm excited to be posting my first post as a Twinsie Tuesday Girl!  Every Tuesday I'll be posting a themed mani along with the other Twinsie Tuesday ladies.  Be sure to check out their blogs!  Links will be at the end of this post.

This Tuesday's theme is the pond mani, originally created by OliveViewFashion.  I have to admit, I had to google it because I hadn't heard of it before.  It's basically a jelly sandwich with nail art instead of glitter sandwiched in between.  As my jelly I decided to use Misa Pour Me Something Tall and Strong.  In between I stamped flowers using China Glaze Snow and Red Angel stamping plate 121.  I've been saying for years that I'm going to learn to stamp, and I think I'm finally getting the hang of it.  That means I'm about to go crazy buying stamping plates :-D

Pond Manicure Misa Pour Me Something Tall and Strong

Pond Manicure Misa Pour Me Something Tall and Strong

Pond Manicure Misa Pour Me Something Tall and Strong

Don't for get to check out the other Twinsies!

Alaina at The Little Canvas
Amanda at Amandalandish
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Beckie at Polished by Beckie
Bridget at A Painted Nail
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Jessica at Blue Velvet Lacquer
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les


  1. Ohhhhhh I LOVE THIS!!! It's so pretty!! I totally did my pond manicure incorrectly, now that I see everyone else's, lol! Whoops!

    1. Thank you! You didn't do it wrong, you just did a different interpretation! It came out well!

  2. This is insanely pretty! You did such a great job with this technique. :)

  3. This is amazing! Not only is this pretty as a mani, this would make a great springtime/summer pedi!


  4. Lovely! Blue seems like it was a popular color choice this week!

    1. It is! I couldn't find any jellies in my stash that weren't blue lol

  5. This is really pretty! I'm in love with that color of blue!

  6. That looks fabulous! Stamping is so much fun! Welcome to the Twinsies!

    1. Thanks Bridget! I think i'll be stamping a lot more now!

  7. Love how these look! I can totally see flowers floating around in the water like this too.

  8. Hi and happy January! Quick question. How often do you change your polish?

  9. This looks great doll! Welcome again. So glad you've joined us!

  10. Welcome aboard Savvy!! This design looks amazing! Great job!!!

  11. teach me your stamping ways!!!!! This is perfection!!!! LOVEE!

    1. I'm only just getting the hang of it after trying for YEARS! Lol Thank you :-D

  12. This is a great look!! That blue polish is gorgeous and I love the flowers!

  13. Welcome! Love the flowers in this. I wish I could stamp too lol

  14. Welcome to TT! Loving everything about this mani, from the flowers to the gorgeous blue!

  15. Welcome welcome welcome! First of all, thanks for sharing where this idea came from - I personally had no idea! Secondly, this is just too perfect!


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