
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Indigo Bananas Holo Chrome Flakies

Press Sample

Hi everyone!  Today I have some fabulous-ness from Indigo Bananas.  These are not just chrome flakies that everyone has been obsessing over, but there's added holo too!  I reviewed one about a month ago and I just had to have Accretian Disk (holo).  In my order Andrea kindly shipped over the two new additions and I'm (still) obsessed!

This post will be heavy on the pictures, so read on after the jump!

First is Accretion Disk (holo).  This chrome flakie shifts from green to gold to pink. This is 3 coats.

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Chrome Flakies

Event Horizon (holo) is one of the new additions to the line.  It shifts from turquoise to blue to purple.  This is 3 coats.

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Event Horizon Holo Chrome Flakies

Quantum Gravity (holo) is the second new addition.  This one has gold and copper flakies that shift to a pale bluish purple on the outer edges.  The slight shift to the pale blue reminds me of Dance Legend Knight.  This is 3 coats.

Indigo Bananas Quantum Gravity Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Quantum Gravity Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Quantum Gravity Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Quantum Gravity Holo Chrome Flakies

Indigo Bananas Quantum Gravity Holo Chrome Flakies

And last is Galactic Halo (holo) which I already reviewed in this post, but for the sake of having them all in the same post, I'm going to add it here too!  I wish I had taken a few more pictures of this one in the sun.  It shifts from purple to blue and gold.  This is 3 coats.

Indigo Bananas Galactic Halo Holo chrome flakies

Indigo Bananas Galactic Halo holo chrome flakies

Indigo Bananas Galactic Halo holo chrome flakies

And finally a comparison of all 4 of the holo chrome flakies together.  Index: Accretion Disk (holo), Middle: Event Horizon (holo), Ring: Quantum Gravity (holo), Pinky: Galactic Halo (holo)

Indigo Bananas Holo Chrome Flakie Comparison

Indigo Bananas Holo Chrome Flakie Comparison

Indigo Bananas Holo Chrome Flakie Comparison

Indigo Bananas Holo Chrome Flakie Comparison

I can not tell you how much I love every single one of these.  Pictures do them no justice! I was trying to pick a favorite, and it made my brain hurt!  No matter what kind of lighting you're in, there's always something exciting happening on your nails!  Not only, that but the formula is easy to work with.  You could also layer these over another color.  Here is how Accretion Disk (holo) looks with one thin coat (excuse my yellow nails).

One Coat Indigo Bananas Accretion Disk Holo Layered

These and others can be purchased at  Don't forget to check out the Indigo Bananas Facebook and Instagram!

Have you joined in on the chrome flakie craze?

**Products in this post were provided by pr for consideration.  All opinions and thoughts are my own.

Press Sample


  1. These polishes are amazing! Just wow.

  2. They look fantastic! Could it be any better? All the polish goodness in one, I'm amazed.

  3. WOW these are insanely gorgeous!!

  4. Quantum Gravity is my favorite, how pretty!

    1. I think it might bevmy favorite too. It's definitely the most shifty!

  5. Wow, these are gorgeous! I love Event Horizon!

  6. There are no words enough to express how in love I am with all the pictures above!!!! Great swatches, love the polishes!


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