
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Glam Polish Mesmerize

You guys, I messed up.

I've been avoiding this brand for the longest. I've been cutting back on how much polish I buy and we all know indies make that hard. Well after being constantly bombarded with pictures of the White Witch Collection, I caved and bought one (along with Run and Tell That) and I both love and hate myself.  It's so pretty and now I want the rest of the collection!  My wallets tellin' me no, but my bodys (nails) tellin' me yes lol!

Mesmerize is a beautiful, slightly grayed lavender.  It's creamy and packed with every different size of silver holo glitter imaginable.  On me, because of the grayed lavender, it manages to be subtle from afar but in your face at the same time with all that holo.  It also applies very nicely. The glitters don't clump together and it's the perfect consistency. 

This is 2 coats.

glam polish mesmerize

glam polish mesmerize

glam polish mesmerize

Do you have any Glam Polishes?  Which ones are your favorite?


  1. I don't have any Glam Polishes, but this is stunning! I can see why you'd want the rest of the collection. :0)

  2. I don't have any Glam Polishes either and can totally see why your resolve would weaken with this one! It's stunning!!!

  3. I don't have any but this one is super pretty!

  4. Just gorgeous! I don't own any Glam Polish but I really want some now.

  5. What a beautiful polish!!! I don't have any Glam polishes, but I do need this one! It looks great on you!
    xoxo, Nyx

  6. Ooo me like! I love that this is not too in your face, it's like it has a secret POW!

  7. Stunning swatch! I totally get you about hating yourself for caving. I want all the pretties!

    1. Ugh same! Too many pretty polishes out there and I want them all! lol

  8. Sooo hard to not buy but glad you did, it's gorgeous! Now I'm going to have to get some too....

  9. Sooo hard to not buy but glad you did, it's gorgeous! Now I'm going to have to get some too....

  10. Oh man that's lovely! I don't own any yet - may need to remedy that soon!

  11. I love Glam Polish and I love this on you. I've been avoiding this collection for the same reason. I'm just trying to distract myself with the ones I have.

    1. All of them look so pretty. I swear I kept seeing posts on IG. Damn you IG!

  12. Ugh, I have been avoiding buying any because I just know that I'd fall in love, too. This post isn't helping!! This whole collection looked incredible!

    1. I'm sorry! But someone has to go down with me lol

  13. Lovely indeed! I haven't tried it yet and upon seeing it, I think its worth the try.

  14. Now I have the song "Bump and Grind" stuck in my head :( This polish is gorgeous, I don't have any glam polish yet!

    1. I'm sorry! lol Also, I see that yet at the end of that sentence ;)

  15. Staaaaahp with your gorgeous swatches! Every time I see you swatch something, I feel like I MUST own it.

  16. Gorgeous! I don't have any Glam Polish. Sigh. So thanks. :/

    1. Another day, another polish you need to buy.

  17. I audibly sighed when I scrolled to your first pic. OMG that polish! I had a hard time focusing on your text because my eyes were drawn to that beauty! Lol. And I definitely giggled at your R Kelly reference... yeah, I feel like that often!

  18. Oh my gosh, now my wallet is telling me to spend! This looks so amazing and beautiful on you!

  19. Oh my goodness! I love grey leaning purples. This one is stunning. You have lovely swatches!

  20. OH SWEET BABY JESUS. The fact that this is a grey leaning purple has me drooling!!!


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