
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Finger Paints Twisted

Hi everyone!  Hope your week is going well.

I little while ago I had someone send me an email complaining that I post too many discontinued items.  I normally post what I have on my nails at the moment.  That's really what I initially started this blog for and that's what I'll continue to post along with some collections.

So heads up everyone, this post contains pictures of a discontinued polish and that polish is Finger Paints Twisted.  This came out in the 2012 Special Effects collection that consisted of 5 flakie glitters in a clear base.  Twisted is a combo of different flakies.  It was definitely not like any of the other flakies I had, so I had to have it and hunted it down at Sallys.  Totally worth it.  Today I'm wearing it over black and matted it with Essie Matte About You.

This is 2 coats over black. Matte.

finger paints twisted over black matte

finger paints twisted over black matte

Finger Paints Twisted over black matte flakie

This is 2 coats over black.  Shiny.  (I have no idea what happened to it's "face."  This always happens to my Finger Paints and China Glaze bottles.  Does this happen to anyone else?)

Finger Paints Twisted over black flakie

Finger Paints Twisted over black flakie

Finger Paints Twisted over black flakie

Finger Paints Twisted over black flakie


  1. It's fantastic! Too bad it's discontinued :((((

    1. I know! All the good stuff is always limited edition or discontinued.

  2. I love this one! It's the only one from the collection I don't have.

  3. What an amazing finish! Did you purchase this one back in '12?

  4. This is gorgeous - makes me regret recently parting with it! However, I never wore it in the 2 years I had it, so I figured I was safe. I'm doubting that now!!! LOL

    My bottle looked great as long as it was sitting upright in my Melmer and not touching anything else. Once I decided to get rid of it, I tossed it in a box with a bunch of other polishes and the printing all disappeared! Same thing with my China Glaze OMG collection and a few other older China Glazes, but the newer ones seem to be holding up ok?! Crazy!

    1. I think this is why I have a hard time purging. They few times I've given/sold things away, I ended up regretting it or spending way more money getting another :facepalm:

      I'm glad it's not just me! You're right about China Glaze. Several of my older ones have no face but the newer ones are better. They must have changed how the printed the bottles. I never had this problem with any of my OPIs.


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