
Friday, August 22, 2014

China Glaze Sun Upon My Skin

Who loves yellow polish?  I do!  And I'm probably one of the rare few.  Even though this color polish tends to have crappy application, I love with my skin tone so I put up with it.

Today's post is Sun Upon My Skin from China Glaze's Off Shore Collection for Summer 2014.  As you may have guessed, it's a lovely bright yellow cream.  I don't know why, but this yellow seems a bit more cooler toned than other yellows in my collection.

This applied decently for a yellow.  A little streaky, but nothing you couldn't work with.

This is 3 coats.



If you havent already don't forget to enter my giveaway here!


  1. It's really fantastic with your skintone! I am so pale that I can only wear very bright yellows and I would love them if they applied a little better. But as you said it's not the case with yellows (and pastels in general).

    1. Thank you :-D I do wish pastels and yellows applied better. They're some of my favorites!


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