
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

OPI The Sky's My Limit

This summer, OPI released their Mustang collection in collaboration with Ford for Mustang's 50th anniversary.  This is the second Mustang collection OPI has done, the first being in 2005.

The Sky's My Limit is a medium toned blue with lots of turquoise and gold glitter.  It's definitely a cousin of Catch me in My Net and it's dupes, but it's a bit darker and more blue.  Honestly, if you already have Catch Me in My Net or one of it's dupes, you don't really need this unless you really like this finish or you love all things Mustang.

This applied really well.  No complaints at all.

This is 2 coats.



1 comment :

  1. This is so pretty. I ordered it a few days ago. Hopefully it will be here soon!


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